RBSE Solutions for Class 10 Social Science Geography Chapter 1 Resource and Development


 RBSE Solutions for Class 10 Social Science Geography Chapter 1 Resource and Development


Question 1.
Can you identify and name the various items used in making life comfortable iii our villages and towns. List the items and. name the material used in their making.
There are many things which provide comfort to our life, which are available in villages and towns. The list of such items is very long. Some of the major items are listed below


Question 2.
Identify at least two resources from each category.
Category On the Basis of origin:

1.       Biotic Resources : Human beings, flora and fauna

2.       Abiotic Resources : Rocks and metals

Basis of Exhaustibility:

1.      Renewable Resour: Solar and uind, water, ces forests

2.      Non-Renewable : Minerals and fossil Resources fuels

On the Basis of Ownership:

1.       Individual Resour-ces: Plots, house, ornaments

2.      Community owned Resources: Public parks, grazing grounds, burial grounds

3.      National Resources: Minerals, wildlife, for ests, railways, roads etc.

4.      International Resources: Oceanic resources beyond 200 nautical miles of the Exclusive Economic Zone

On the Basis of the Status of Development:

1.      Potential Resdurces: Tidal energy, geothermal energy

2.      Developed Resources: Iron ore mines, coal mines, wells of min-eral oil

3.      Stock: Hydrogen gas, geological energy

4.      Resources: Water in the dams and rivers, forests etc.

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Question 3.
Can you name some resource rich but economically backward regions and some resource poor but economically developed regions ? Give reasons for such a situation.
The states of Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh. Madhya Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh and Rajasthan are rich in minerals and coal deposits but lack in infrastructural developments. While Punjab, Haryana, Gujarat, Maharashtra have less resources, but they are economically developed. The major reason of this, there is lack of appropriate technological development, basic infrasturcture and institutional change in the backward states while there is multiplicity of technological development and institutional change in the developed states.

RBSE Class 10 Social Science Resource and Development Textbook Questions and Answers

1. Multiple Choice Questions

(i) Which one of the following type of resource is iron ore ?
(a) Renewable
(b) Biotic
(c) Flow
(d) Non-renewable.
(d) Non-renewable.

(ii) Under which of the following type of resource tidal energy cannot be put ? .
(a) Replenishable
(b) Human-made
(c) Abiotic
(d) Non-recyclable.
(a) Replenishable


(iii) Which one of the following is the main cause of land degradation in Punjab?
(a) Intensive cultivation
(b) Deforestation
(c) Qver irrigation
(d) Overgrazing.
(c) Qver irrigation

(iv) In which one of the following states is terrace cultivation practised ?
(a) Punjab
(b) Plains of Uttar Pradesh
(c) Haryana
(d) Uttarakhand
(d) Uttarakhand

(V) In which of the following states black soil found ?
(a) Jammu and Kashmir
(b) Maharashtra
(c) Rajasthan
(d) Jharkhand.
(b) Maharashtra

2. Answer the following questions in about 30 words.

(i) Name three states having black soil and the crop which is mainly grown in it.
(1) Maharashtra,
(2) Madhya Pradesh
(3) Gujarat. Crop Cotton.

(ii) What type of soil is found in the river deltas of the eastern coast ? Give three main features of this type of soil.
Alluvial soil is found in the river deltas of the eastern coast.
(i) It is very fertile.
(ii) It is a transported soil.
(iii) The soil contains adequate proportion of potash, phosphoric acid and lime.

(iii) What steps can be taken to control soil erosion in the hilly areas ?
The following steps should be taken to control soil erosion in the hilly areas:
1. In hilly areas, land should be cultivated by terrace farming.
2. Dense plantation should be done on slopes.
3. The contour ploughing should be done on slope land.

(iv) What are the biotic and abiotic resources ? Give some examples.
Differentiate between biotic and Abiotic resources.
(i) All biotic resources are obtained from the biosphere and have life (e.g. forest, live stock, human beings etc.) All abiotic resources are composed of non-living things (e.g. rocks, water etc).

(ii) Biotic resources can be classified as producers, consumers and decomposers. Abiotic resources can be classified as renewable and non-renewable.

3. Answer the following questions in about 120 words.

(i) Explain land use pattern in India and why has the land under forest not increased much since 1960-61?
Land Use Pattern in India: The use of land is determined both by physical factors such as topography, climate, soil types as well as human factors such as population density, technological capability and culture and traditions etc.

The facts of land pattern in India as per data for the year 2014-15 are as follows:
1. Land pattern in India is not balanced.

1.      There is 23.3% regions are available under forest.

2.      The land under permanent pasture is also low (3.3%).

3.      Maximum use of land is 45.5% under the net sown area and the minimum use is 1% under the diverse trees, tree crops and forest.

2. In our country the land pattern is not balanced at National, state and local level.
Major reasons for not increasing the land under forest since ‘1960-61 :
In 2014-15 only 5.19% forest has been increased in comparison to 1960-61. Rapid population growth is the main reason for not increasing the land under forest in India. Forests are being cut for the economic profit. Trees have been cut for the development of different industries, agricultural work and habitat. That’s . whv forests have not been increased much since 1960-61.

(ii) How have technical and economic development led to more consumption of’ resources?

1.      Technological development has converted the subsistence agriculture to commercial agriculture and this has led to the over utilization of soil.

2.      Technological development has led to industrialisation which has increased the use of natural resources.

3.      Economic development has led to urbanisation and modernization which demands more resources.

4.      Technological development has also improved the process of mining. Project/Activity

Question 1.
Make a project showing consumption and conservation of resources in your locality.
Do it yourself.


Question 2.
Have a discussion in the class- how to conserve various resources used in your shcool.
Organise a class discussion.

Question 3.
Solve the puzzle by following your search horizontally and vertically to find the hidden answers.

1.      Natural endowments in the form of land, water, vegetation and minerals.

2.      A type of non-renewable resource.

3.      Soil with high water retaining capacity.

4.      Intensively leached soils of the monsson climate.

5.      Plantation of trees on a large scale to check soil erosion.

6.      The Great Plants of India are made up of these soils.


geography class 10 chapter 1 question answer

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