RBSE Solutions for Class 10 Social Science Geography Chapter 6 Manufacturing Industries


 RBSE Solutions for Class 10 Social Science Geography Chapter 6 Manufacturing Industries


Question 1.
Classify the following into two groups on the basis of bulk and weight of raw materials and finished goods.

1.      Oil

2.      Knitting needles

3.      Brassware

4.      Fuse wires

5.      Watches

6.      Sewing machines

7.      Ship building

8.      Ship building

9.      Electric Bulbs

10.  Electric Bulbs

11.  Paint brushes

12.  Automobiles

13.  Automobiles

(a) Light industries: Brassware, Fuse wires, Watches, Paint brushes, electric bulbs, knitting needles.
(b) Heavy Industries : Oil, automobiles, sewing machines, shipbuilding.


Question 2.
Why did Mahatma Gandhi lay emphasis on spinning yarn and weaving khadi?
Mahatma Gandhi lay emphasized on spinning yam and weaving khadi because he wanted to reduce the dependency on machines as well as increase the dependency on self- yarning for increasing earning of the people.


Question 3.
Why is it important for our country to keep the mill sector loomage lower than power loom and handloom ?
It is important for our country to keep the mill sector loomage lower than power loom and hand looms because employment opportunity in factories is low and hence many people are unemployed.


Question 4.
Why is it important for us to improve our weaving sector instead of exporting yarn in large quantities?
It is important for us to improve our weaving sector instead of exporting yam in large quantities because:
(i) Improving the weaving sector would increase the production of cloths in the country.
(ii) This process fulfils the needs of the people of the country.
(iii) Excess quantity of cloths can be exported to other countries and can be earned foreign money.
(iv) Advantages of employment in the weaving sector is more.


Question 5.
Make a list of all such goods made of steel that you can think of.
Steel is used for making utensils, doors, windows, furnitures, sleepers ’of railway s, home appliances, agricultural equipments, vehicles, electrical and medical equipments etc.

Question 6.


Production (in metric tonnes per annum)













Why is the per capita consumption of steel so low in India?
The per capita income of most of the. I Indians is very low. Hence they are poor with low standard of living. Since substitute of steel is much cheaper so steel consumption is low in India.


Question 8.
Have you read about the Kalinga- nagar controversy ? Collect information from different sources and discuss.
Kalinganagar (Orissa) Iron and Steel industry was set up by aids of PESCO (Korea)! Though Odisha government had approved it, but the regional people objected and protested against this project. Hence this project was unsuccessful and ran in loss.


Question 9.
A factory produces aluminium saucepans with plastic handles. It obtains aluminium from a smelter and a plastic component from another factory. All the manufactured saucepans are sent to a warehouse.

1. (a) Which raw material is likely to be the most expensive to transport and why?
(b) Which raw material is likely to be the cheapest for transport and why?
(a) Aluminium is to be the most expensive to transport because it is a bulky material rather than plastic.
(b) Plastic is to be the cheapest to transport due to its lightness.

2. Do you think the cost of transporting the finished products after packaging is likely to be cheaper or expensive than the cost of transporting aluminum and plastic ? Why ?
The cost of transporting the finished products after packaging is likely to be cheaper than the cost of transporting aluminum and plastic because:

1.      The weight of finished products are comparatively less. t

2.      Finished products occupy minimum space.

3.      The finished product can be distributed all over the country. Hence the transportation cost is less.


Question 10
Where would it be economically Viable to set up the cement manufacturing units ?
Cement manufacturing units are established near the limestone producing areas as well as availability of electricity and easy transportation facilities.


Question 11.
Find out where the plants are located in other states of India. Find their names.
The cement industry in India is located in the following states other than Gujarat

1.      Rajasthan,

2.      Madhya Pradesh,

3.      Andhra Pradesh,

4.      Tamil Nadu,

5.      Karnataka,

6.      Jharkhand,

7.      Maharashtra etc.

RBSE Class 10 Social Science Manufacturing Industries Textbook Questions and Answers

1. Multiple choice questions:
(i) Which one of the follow ing industries uses limestone as a raw material ?
(a) Aluminium
(b) Cement
(c) Plastic
(d) Automobile
(b) Cement

(ii) Which one of the following agencies markets steel for the public sector plants?
(a) HAIL
(b) SAIL
(c) TATA Steel
(d) MNCC
(b) SAIL

(iii) Which one of the following industries uses bauxite as a raw material?
(a) Aluminium Smelting
(b) Cement
(c) Paper
(d) Steel
(a) Aluminium Smelting


(iv) Whicfe one of the following industries manufacture telephones, computer etc.?
(a) Steel
(b) Electronic
(c) Aluminium Smelting
(d) Information Technology
(b) Electronic

2. Answer the following briefly in not more than 30 words.

(i) What is manufacturing?
Production of goods in large quantities after processing from raw materials to more valuable products is called manufacturing.

(ii) Name any three physical factors for the location of an industry.

1.      Availability of raw materials,

2.      Availability of power resources,

3.      Suitable climate.

(iii) Name any three human factors for the location of an industry,

1.      Availability of labour,

2.      Availability of market,

3.      Government policies.

(iv) What are basic industries ? Give an example.
The industries which lay the foundation of rapid development of other industries are known as basic industries. E.g. Iron and steel industry.


(v) Name the important raw materials used in the manufacturing of cement.
Limestone, Silica, Alumina, Coal and Gypsum.

3. Write the answers of the following questions in 120 words.

(i) How are integrated steel plants different from mini steel plants? What problem does the industry face? What recent developments have led to a rise in the production capacity?

Integrated steel plants

Mini steel plants

1. These are plants where all the pro¬cesses are carried out in one complex, from handling of raw material, steel making, rolling and shaping of the steel.

1. These are decent¬ralized secondary units which speci¬alize in one or two processes.

2. These plants need large investments.

2. These plants need less investments.

3. These fulfil local as well as international demands.

3. These fulfil local demands.

4. There are 10 inte¬grated steel plants in India.

4. There are more thar 400 mini steel plants in India.

(i) Capital:
Iron and steel industry requires large capital investment which a developing country like India cannot afford.

(ii) Modernisation:
Public sector plants are more than 35 years old. Their machines have become obsolete and so their productivity is very low as compared to
developed countries.

(iii) Low productivity :
The per capita labour productivity in India is at 90-100 tonnes Which is one of the lowest in the world.

(iv) Low potential utilization :
The potential utilization in iron and steel industry is very low. Rarely the potential utilization exceeds 80%.

Steps taken by the government :

1.      Government is following the steps of liberalization and globalization.

2.      Foreign direct investment is being encouraged in this sector.

3.      How do industries pollute the environment ?

Industries pollute the environment by the following ways :
(i) Air pollution :
The smoke emitted by the industries pollute air. Air pollution is caused by the presence of higher proportion of undesirable gases, such as carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide Air borne particulate materials consist of both solid and liquid particles. Human made sources of pollutants are normally industrial and solid wastes. Air pollution affects human health, animals, plants, materials and the atmosphere.

(ii) Water pollution:
Most important water pollutants are the industrial effluents that are discharged in the rivers. They are both organic and inorgaitic. Coal, dyes, soaps, pesticides, fertilizers and rubber are some common pollutants of water.

(iii) Thermal Pollution :
Whfen hot water from factories and thermal plants is drained into rivers and ponds before cooling then thermal pollution of water occurs.


(iv) Noise pollution :
It arises primarily from industry’ and means of transport. Industrial noise, particularly, from mechanical saws and pneumatic drills, is unbearable and is a nuisance to the public. Noise causes impairment of hearing.

(iii) Discuss the steps to be taken to minimise environmental degradation by industry.
Steps to minimize industrial degradation :

1.      Minimising uge of water for processing by reusing and recycling it in two or more successive stages.

2.      Harvesting of rainwater to meet water requirements.

3.      Treating hot water and effluents before releasing them in rivers and ponds. Treatments of industrial effluents can be done in three phases.

4.      Overdrawing of ground water reserves by industry where there is a threat to ground water and resources should be regulated legally.

5.      Smoke can be reduced by using oil or gas instead of coal in factories.

6.      To minimize noise pollution, machinery and equipment can be used and generators should be fitted with silencers.


Question 1.
Solve the puzzle by following your search horizontally and vertically to find the hidden answer.

1.      Textiles, sugar, vegetable oil and plantation industries deriving raw materials from agriculture are called.

2.      The basic raw material for sugar industry.

3.      This fibre is also known as the ‘Golden Fibre’.

4.      Iron-ore, coking coal, and limestone are the chief raw materials of this industry.

5.      A public sector steel plant located in Chhattisgarh.

6.      Railway diesel engines are manufactured in Uttar Pradesh at this place.




3.      JUTE


5.      BHILAI

6.      VARANASI

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