RBSE Class 10 Social Science Solutions Civics Chapter 8 Challenges to Democracy


RBSE Class 10 Social Science Challenges to Democracy InText Questions and Answers

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Question 1. 
Each of these cartoons represents a challenge to democracy. Please describe what that challenge is. Also place it in one of the three categories mentioned in the first sections.
(1) Mubarak re-elected- This is the election procedure, which represents the influence of the rich and powerful people in the election. Without opening the ballot, it was decided that Mubarak was elected again.
Challenge- Deepening of democracy.

(2) Seeing the Democracy- It tries to show that democracy does not come by the use of ballot, but support.
Challenge- Foundational challenge.

(3) Liberal Gender Equality- This. represents that these principles talk about gender equality but in practice male dominance is observed in democracy. They do not give more space to women leaders in their own party.

(4) Campaign Money- It shows the role of money in election compaign. The decision process is influenced by people spending more and more money in a democracy.
Challenge- Deepening of democracy

Question 2. 
Write your description of the challenges for democracy before the following cases and context given below.

Case and context

Your description of the challenges for democracy in that situation

Mexico- Second free election after the defeat of PRI in 2000; defeated candidate alleges rigging.

Holding free and fair elections. (Challenge of deepening democracy).

China- Communist Party adopts economic reforms but maintains monopoly over political power.

Introduction of democratic values, decentralisation of powers, democratisation of government bodies. (Foundational challenge).

Pakistan- General Musharraf held referendum, allegations of fraud in voters' list.

Holding free and fair elections. (Challenge of deepening democracy).

Iraq- Widespread sectarian violence as the new government fails to establish its authority.

Discussion between ethnic parties, discussion between majority and minority groups. (Foundational challenge).

South Africa- MandJela retired from active Ipolitics, pressure on his successors to withdraw some concessions given to White minority

Negotiations between political parties and majority and minority representatives. (Challenge of deepening democracy).

US, Guantanamo Bay- UN Secretary General called this a violation of international law, US refused to respond

Negotiations with the US, compensation for the victims. (Challenge of expansion)

Saudi Arabia- Women not allowed to take part in all public activities, no freedom of religion for minorities.

Creating awareness among people for equality and democratic values. (Challenge of expansion).

Yugoslavia- Ethnic tension between Serbs and Albanians on the rise in the province of Kosovo. Yugoslavia disintegrated.

Negotiation with ethnic groups, peace keeping measures, holding general elections. (Challenge of expansion).

Belgium- One round of constitutional change taken place, but the Dutch speakers not satisfied; they want more autonomy.

Negotiations between ethnic groups, accommodation of genuine demands. (Challenge of deepening of democracy).

Sri Lanka- The civil war came to an end in 2009; the process of reconcilation between different communities begins.

End of civil war, measures, discussion and implementation of cohesion among different communities. (Challenge of expansion of democracy).

US, Civil Rights- Blacks have won equal rights, but are still poor, less educated and marginalised.

Making new policies and creating awareness for the black. (Challenge of deepening of democracy)

Northern Ireland- The civil war has ended but Catholics and Protestants yet to develop trust.

Discussion between different religious groups and developing trust building measures. (Challenge of deepening democracy)

Nepal- The monarchy was abolished; the constituent Assembly adopted a new constitution.

Democracy was established by ending the monarchy, new constitution was adopted. (Along with the expansion of democracy, the challenge of making it strong

Bolivia- Morales, a supporter of water struggle, becomes Prime Minister, MNCs threaten to leave the country.

Solving the problem of water supply, taking back the water rights from MNCs. (Challenge of deepening democracy).


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Question 3. 
Now that you have noted down all these challenges, let us group these together into some broad categories. Given below are some spheres or sites of democratic politics. You may place against each of these the specific challenges that you noted for one or more countries or cartoons in the previous section. In addition to that write one item for India for each of these spheres. In case you find that some challenges do not fit into any of the categories given below, you can create new categories and put some items under that.

Constitutional Design


Democratic Rights 


Working of Institutions




Federalism, Decentralisation


Accommodation of Diversity 


Political Organisations


Any other Category


Any other Category


Constitutional Design- Each democratic country has constitution. This constitution should be made by the elected representatives on the basis of Universal adult franchise. These representatives must be elected from all caste, religion, creed and gender.

Democratic Rights- Democratic rights must be provided in all democratic countries. But this is the challenge of establishment of democracy.

Working of Institutions- Control over working of institutions in democratic countries is the challenge of deepening of democracy and the foundational challenge in non-democratic countries.

Elections- In democratic countries in elections the challenge of using money power, muscle power and reduction of influence of violence-the challenge of deepening of democracy are seen. In non-democratic countries there is the challenge of foundation.

Federalism and Decentralisation- In democratic countries federalism and decentralisation are challenge of expansion.

Accommodation of Diversity- This is the challenge of expansion of democracy in democratic countries.

Political Organisations- In monarchy and dictatorship there is the challenge of foundational democracy.

International Institutions- There is requirement of expansion of democracy in Security Council. 

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Question 4. 
Let us group these again, this time by the nature of these challenges as per the classification suggested in the first section. For each of these categories, find at least one example from India as well.

Foundational Challenge


Challenge of Expansion


Challenge of Deepening


1. Foundational Challenges- China, Saudi Arabia, Nepal, Pakistan, Iraq, etc.
Example from India- The problem of North-Eastern states and Jammu & Kashmir.

2. Challenge of Expansion- Mexico, Iraq, Yugoslavia, Ireland
Example from India- Giving much representation to women in state assemblies and parliament. Providing autonomy and resources to local governments. There should be no discrimination on the ground of caste, creed, colour and religion.

3. Challenge of Deepening- US, Guantanamo Bay, Belgium, Pakistan.
Example from IndiaStopping the effect of money and crime power over democratic working institutions. Giving more power to the Election Commission.


Question 5. 
Now let us think only about India. Think, of all the challenges that democracy faces in contemporary India. List those five that should be addressed first of all. The listing should be in order of priority, i.e., the challenge you find most important or pressing should be mentioned at number 1, and so on. Give one example of that challenge and your reasons for assigning it the priority. 


Challenges to democracy


Reasons for preference





















1. Challenge of Internal Democracy in Democracy,
Example- All over the world there is a tendency in political parties towards the concentration of power in one or few leaders at the top. They do not keep membership registers and do not conduct internal elections regularly.
Reasons for Preference- More than loyalty to party principles and policies, personal loyalty to the leader becomes more important.

2. Challenge of Expansion-
Example- Reserving seats for women in Legislative Assemblies.
Reasons for Preference Representation of women in legislative assemblies is nil. Women's representation is must for the expansion of democracy.

3. Challenge of Deepening-
Example- The influence of money and muscle power is growing in political parties and government.
Reasons for Preference- Due to growing role of money and muscle power in politics, political institutions are unable to continue their work for public welfare.

4. Inequalities and Poverty-
Example- Due to economic equalities people's income is inequal and their wealth is also inequal, some are rich and some are poor. 
Reasons for Preference- Today poverty is a big threat for the development of country. Inequality perpetuates poverty.

5. Democratic Right-
Example- Right to live should be implemented.
Reasons for Preference- To strengthen democracy right to live must be implemented. It includes dignified and safe employment rights. 

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Question 6. 
Here is your space for writing your own definition of good democracy.
(Write your name here) .....................'s definition of good democracy (not more than 50 words) :
Democracy is a form of rule in which people elect their representatives, people get enough options to elect representatives. These elected representatives take all the decisions and they perform all the basic rules of constitutions following the rights of citizens.


Question 7. 
Features (use only as many points as you want. Try to compress it in as few points as possible)








Features of Democracy
1. Rule of Public- Democracy is the rule of public in which people elect their representatives through the right of voting.
2. Constitution- Each democracy has formal constitution which is formed by the representatives of all the groups of society. Government is formed on the basis of constitutional rules and government collects its power.
3. Regular Free and Impartial Elections- Elections are held in definite time. These elections are fair and impartial.
4. Fundamental Rights- Citizens are provided some fundamental rights in each democracy.
5. Social and Economic Equality- Constitution provides social and economic equality to every citizen. There is no discrimination among citizens on the ground of caste, creed, colour and religion. People get equal opportunity in democracy.

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