Dairy Entry Writing for Class 8 Format, Topics Exercises, and Examples


 A diary entry is a form of writing where an individual records an account of the day. We record important and significant days and with it our personal feelings. Thus, it is a personal document. The general format of a diary is given below.

Date, Day

· What you saw/experienced

· Your reaction to what you saw/experienced


· A diary entry is personalized so write in first person.

· At times you may leave out the pronoun ‘I’. For example, “am really excited …’’/“Went to the beach today …”

· Refer to personal memories and give details.

· Use conversational and friendly language.

· Refer to parents, friends, etc. as how you would address them in person. For example, “Mom said …’’/“Rohit came along …’’/“Shweta just wouldn’t listen ….”

· Stress on feelings, emotions, reactions rather than on the event itself.
You may mention the time of the entry as well.

Diary is a personal document. It records an individual’s account of a day of his/her life.


· Top left – Date, day and time.

· Tense most frequently used – Simple past, Present perfect and future.

· Written in the first person.


· Begin the entry with a general sentence describing the day or your feelings.

· In the body, you may discuss an event, your feelings towards it. How it is likely to affect your future plans.

· Conclude with a final remark and future course of action.

Solved Questions

Question 1:
Write a diary entry describing the favourite time of your day.

06-01 2016

2:30 p.m

Dear Diary
My favourite time of the day is between 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. This is the time when the sun is set and the air starts cooling down. At this time I either go for a stroll, play some games or sit quietly watching the activities around me. Sitting quietly doing nothing, in particular, is what I like the most.

The compound surrounding my house is a fairly large one. So my father has planted many trees in it. Birds of all sorts come to the trees in the evening and sing their sweet songs. I just sit under my favourite rambutan tree and listen to those lovely birds. However, I cannot just sit quietly all the time. My parents sometimes ask me to mow the lawn or help them in some gardening tasks.

These I do gladly for the air is nice and cool. Working under a hot sun is one thing I do not like. In the evening the sun is soft and gentle. It is pleasant to work in the garden then. Other times I might go out for a stroll or play games with my friends. In fact, many people come out of their houses to breathe in the cool evening air and to relax a bit, unless it is raining. This is the time of the day when the playing fields, parks and other recreational areas are filled with people. I guess I am not the only one who enjoys a nice outing in the evening.


Question 2:
Yesterday it was your first day in your new school. You made new friends. Teachers were good to you and you liked the infrastructure of the school. Write about your experiences and feelings about the new school in your diary.

Wednesday, 1st July, 20XX                                              8:30 pm

Dear diary,
Today, I joined my new school. It was a very nice and exciting. My class teacher was very nice to me. She introduced me to the entire class. I sat with Neha, the monitor of the class. She helped me in every way possible. She gave me her notebooks, shared her lunch with me. She even helped me with my classwork.
The best thing I liked about the school was the library. It was big and spacious. I am a passionate reader and I found many books of my favourite authors. The computer lab was well equipped with the latest models of computers.
I look forward to going to school tomorrow. Now, I am not missing my old friends and my old school. Now, I am going to sleep as I have to get up early in the morning to get ready for school.


Question 3:
Recently you visited the old age home in Delhi. You met old people who were lonely and sick. Their children had left them to fend for themselves. When you talked to them, you felt bad about the fact that they were not living with their children. Write about your experiences in your diary.

Friday, 30th November, 20XX                                          7:30 pm

Dear diary,
Today, I visited an old age home. I was surprised to see the condition of the old people there. Even though the medical facilities and food were good, it was disheartening to see that most of them were under depression. Their children had abandoned them. Some had forcefully kicked them out of the house. So now, they have nowhere to go.
When I talked to them, my heart was filled with sympathy for them. What could I do to make them happy? I told them some jokes and riddles, but they seemed to be unmoved by the humour. I spent some time with them and promised myself one thing. I will look after my parents when I grow up. I will never leave them like this.
I wondered why people misbehave with their parents like this. Parents should be respected and loved because parents are the best people in this world.


Question 4:
You witnessed a quarrel among some children of your colony. Make a diary entry giving an account of the quarrel giving some suggestions to avoid such quarrels in future.

Monday, 12th March, 20XX                                             8:00 pm

Dear diary,
Today, when I was coming back from school, I saw some children at the corner of the street quarrelling among themselves. I could hear them shouting at each other. When I went nearer, I could recognise two of them. They were Nikhil and Suraj. I could sense the danger prevailing there as some older boys had hockey sticks in their hands.
At once I ran towards Nikhil’s house and informed his mother about the quarrel. She rushed towards the spot along with some neighbours. As soon as the children saw elders approaching, they ran away.
Nikhil was relieved to see his mother as some older boys from the neighbouring colony were bullying them and asking them to part with their money and other valuables. I advised Nikhil not to talk to people whom he didn’t know. I told him to play near his house and not too far away. Nikhil’s mother thanked me for my prompt action.
You know diary, today I am feeling at the top of the world as I have done a good deed. Now, I am going to sleep as I am very tired.


Question 5:
It was the happiest day of your life when your class teacher informed you that you have been selected as the ‘Best sportsman of the year’. You are thrilled as now you will receive the award at the Annual Day Celebrations. Make a diary entry recording your feelings in it.

Thursday, 10th November, 20XX                                      9.00 pm

Dear diary,
Today was the best day of my life. Guess why ? Sumati mam told me that I have been selected as the ‘Best sportsman of the year’. I am so happy that all the hard work that I had done, paid back today. I can never forget how much I had toiled in the field, during the summer camp to get into the school football team. My coach had appreciated my efforts. My parents will be so proud of me when I will receive the trophy for the ‘Best Sportsman’ from the Chief Guest. All the parents and teachers will clap for me. I will be a hero at that moment.
I have also been selected to represent the team for the School Nationals to be held next month.
God, please give me strength and endurance to live up to the expectations of my coach and my parents.


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