NCERT Solutions Class 5 Maths Chapter - 5. Does it Look the Same?



NCERT Solutions Class 5 Maths 

Chapter - 5. Does it Look the Same?


Page: 73
(1) Which shapes are divided into two mirror halves by the dotted line?
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Shapes are divided into two mirror halves by the dotted line are shape 5, shape 6, shape 7, shape 8, shape 13 and shape 15.
2. Look at the figure in the white box. On which of the dotted lines will you keep the mirror so that you get shape (b)? Also, tell which part of the picture will be hidden when we keep the mirror on the dotted line.
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In this picture of a dog, place a mirror on the vertical dotted line. Then the part of the dog to the right of the line will be hidden behind the mirror.
3. Now, make a line on the white box to show where you will keep the Mirror Games mirror to get the picture next to it.
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4. Venky has made a red and white shape. Make a line on the white box where you will keep a mirror to get that shape. Look at how the line is drawn in the first box to get the picture next to it.
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5. Guess which of the shapes below would look the same after half a turn.
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The shapes below look the same after half a turn.
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6. Find out which letters in the English alphabet look the same after half a turn.
Letters in the English alphabet that look the same after half a turn are H, I, O, S, X and Z.
7. Which of these English words reads the same on half a turn?
MOW, SWIMS, SIS, and NOON are English words that read the same on half a turn.
8. Give half a turn to the numbers from 0 to 9. Find which of them still looks the same.
From numbers 0 to 9, the ones that look the same after half a turn are 0, 1 and 8.
9. Think of all 2, 3 and 4 digit numbers which look the same on half a turn.
2 digit numbers 11, 88
3 digit numbers 101, 111, 808, 888, 181, 818
4 digit n

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