rbse board 12th geography paper solution 2024, class 12 rbse board exam 2024 geography paper answer key


1. Write the correct answer to the given multiple choice questions in the answer booklet.

i. "Human geography is the study of the changing relationship between the unresting man and the unstable earth". Who gave this definition of  human geography?

a. Ratzel

b. Semple        

c. Blache

d. Griffith Taylor

ii. The push factor of migration is-

a. Better opportunities

b. Stability

c. Pleasant Climate

d. Unemployment

iii. Which statement is true-

a. Hunting and gathering or secondary activities

b. Mediterranean agriculture is famous for citrus fruits

c. Mixed farming only animal husbandry takes Palace

d. Subsistence agriculture is done is low population area

iv. Transforming available row material into valuable product, is a part of which activity-

a. Primary

b. Secondary

c. Tertiary

d. Quaternary

v. Where is the most dense rail network is found in the world?

a. Europe

b. Africa

c. Australia

d. Asia

vi. When was the first population cencus in India conducted?

a. 1872

b. 1881

c. 1891

d. 1861

vii. Panna, Para, Palli, Nagla etc. are types of-

a. Hamleted Settlements

b. Crops of Rice

c. Clustered Sattlements

d. Rural Roads

viii. The Rabi crops is-

a. Rice

b. Bajra

c. Cotton

d. Mustard

ix. The roads which are contracted and maintained by the Centre Government are called-

a. National Highways

b. State Highways

c. District Roads

d. Rural Roads

x. Changing of population in a particular area between two points of time is known as-

a. Population migration

b. Population Density

c. Population growth

d. Population distribution

xi. What is the name of the shifting cultivation practised in Malaysia and Indonesia-

a. Jhuming

b. Milpa

c. Roca

d. Ladang

xii. The great lakes inland waterways is situated at-

a. North-America

b. Brazil

c. Asia

d. Africa

xiii. The decade with negative growth rate in Indian Census is-

a. 1901-1911

b. 1911-1921

c. 1921-1931

d. 1931-1941

xiv. Non-conventional energy source is-

a. Coal

b. Petrol

c. Natural gas

d. Solar Energy

xv. India's roads network has a palace in the world-

a. First

b. Second

c. Third

d. Fourth

xvi. Leather, pulp and paper, textile and chemical industries are factors of which pollution?

a. Water

b. Air

c. Noise

d. land

2. Fill in the blanks-

i.  Possibly the introductory concept of new neo-determinism. 

ii. Physical geography studies the environment.

iii. When people move from one Palace to another, the place they move from is called the origin.

iv. The GATT was transform into the WTO from January 1995.

v. Pipelines are used to transport liquids and gas such a water, petroleum and natural gas.

vi. As per 2011 census Bihar was the second most densely populated state in India.

vii. Towns flourished since ancient times in India.

viii. The Kharif season crop of coincides with the monsoon.

ix. Agriculture accounts for most of the surface and groundwater utilisation.

x. Haematite and magnitude are ores of iron.

3. Very Short Answer type questions-

i. What is population migration?

Ans : Population migration refers to the movement of people from one place to another, often involving a change in residence.

ii. Define Bilateral trade.

Ans : Bilateral trade is the exchange of goods and services between two countries.

iii. Which is the man made Navigation canal, having locks system.

Ans : The Suez Canal is a man-made navigation canal with a locks system.

iv. What name ,is given to the settlements, the develop in remote jungles and hill slopes in the form of isolated huts.

Ans : The settlements that develop in remote jungles and hill slopes in the form of isolated huts are known as hamlets.

v. What do you understand by Human Development Index?

Ans : The Human Development Index (HDI) is a composite statistic that measures a country's average achievements in three basic dimensions of human development: health, education, and income.

vi. Why is water transport cheaper?

Ans : Water transport is cheaper because it can carry large quantities of goods over long distances with minimal fuel consumption.

vii. Being responsible citizen, how will we stop the man-made land degradation process?

Ans : To stop the man-made land degradation process as responsible citizens, we can promote sustainable practices, afforestation, and soil conservation methods.

Short Answer Type Questions-

4. Write names of two sub fields of Economic geography.

Ans : Two sub-fields of Economic Geography are:

i. Agricultural Geography

ii. Industrial Geography

5. What is Kolkhoz?

Ans : Kolkhoz refers to a type of collective farm in the former Soviet Union, particularly associated with the agricultural policies of Joseph Stalin. It involved the pooling of land, labor, and resources for collective farming.

6. Write two names of animal industries.

Ans : Two names of animal industries are:

i. Poultry industry

ii. Dairy industry

7. Write names of any three language families spoken in India.

Ans : Three language families spoken in India are:

i. Indo-Aryan

ii. Dravidian

iii. Sino-Tibetan

8. What is dry land farming?

Ans : Dry land farming is a type of farming practiced in arid and semi-arid regions where there is limited rainfall. It involves the cultivation of crops that can survive with minimal irrigation.

9. Explain the bad effects of water pollution.

Ans : The bad effects of water pollution include:

i. Contamination of drinking water

ii. Harm to aquatic life

iii. Spread of waterborne diseases

10. Which categories of Indian Railways have been made on the basis of track width?

Ans : Categories of Indian Railways based on track width:

i. Broad gauge (1,676 mm)

ii. Meter gauge (1,000 mm)

iii. Narrow gauge (762 mm)

11. Why are sea ports called gateways to international trade?

Ans : Sea ports are called gateways to international trade because they serve as crucial points for the exchange of goods between countries. They facilitate the import and export of goods, promoting international commerce and economic activities.

12. What are the motives of people behind megration?

Ans : Motives behind migration include:

i. Better economic opportunities

ii. Escape from conflict or persecution

iii. Improved living conditions

13. Write a short note on "Trunk farming".

Ans : Trunk farming refers to the cultivation of high-value crops, often for export purposes. It involves the concentrated production of specific crops, usually in large-scale, commercial farms.

Long Answer Type Questions-

14. Write characteristics of Rural marketing centres.


      What is the meaning of Urban marketing centres? Explain in brief.

Ans : Rural marketing centers are specific locations in rural areas designed to facilitate the buying and selling of goods and services. The characteristics of rural marketing centers include:


Typically situated in rural or semi-rural areas to cater to the local population.

Target Audience:

Aimed at the rural population, often involved in agriculture and allied activities.

Product Range:

Primarily deals with products and services relevant to rural needs, such as agricultural inputs, consumer goods, and services.

Agricultural Focus:

Emphasis on marketing agricultural products, including crops, livestock, and related inputs.

Limited Infrastructure:

May have limited infrastructure compared to urban markets, reflecting the rural setting.

Community Engagement:

Often involves close community engagement due to the tight-knit nature of rural societies.

Seasonal Variation:

Business activities may be influenced by seasonal agricultural cycles, affecting demand and supply patterns.

Localized Approach:

Tailored marketing strategies considering the specific needs, preferences, and cultural aspects of the rural population.

Extension Services:

May provide extension services related to agriculture, including information on modern farming techniques, crop management, and usage of agrochemicals.

Government Initiatives:

May be supported by government initiatives aimed at promoting rural entrepreneurship and development.


Ans : Urban marketing centers refer to locations in urban areas specifically designed for commercial activities, including buying and selling of goods and services. They exhibit the following characteristics:


Typically located in urban or metropolitan areas characterized by higher population density and economic activities.

Diverse Audience:

Cater to a diverse audience with varied needs and preferences due to the cosmopolitan nature of urban populations.

Product Diversity:

Offer a wide range of products and services, reflecting the diverse demands of urban consumers.

Infrastructure and Facilities:

Equipped with better infrastructure, modern amenities, and facilities to support a higher volume of commercial transactions.

Global Influence:

Influenced by global trends and international trade, leading to the availability of a variety of products sourced globally.

Technology Integration:

Often leverage advanced technologies for marketing, payment, and customer engagement.

Consumer Awareness:

Consumers in urban areas are generally more aware, informed, and brand-conscious compared to their rural counterparts.

Higher Disposable Income:

Urban consumers usually have higher disposable incomes, enabling them to purchase a broader range of goods and services.

24/7 Operations:

Many urban marketing centers operate round the clock to cater to the busy and diverse urban lifestyle.

Brand Presence:

Presence of prominent brands, large retail chains, and shopping malls characterizes urban marketing centers.

15. According to you explain the three changes that an economy undergoes, which effect land use.


      Review the reasons for increase in land area under forest, non-agricultural and effect land use.

Ans : Industrialization:

Impact on Land Use:

Rapid industrialization leads to the establishment of manufacturing units, factories, and industrial zones.

Increased demand for land for setting up industries and infrastructure such as roads and railways.


Impact on Land Use:

Growth of cities and towns due to population migration from rural areas to urban centers.

Expansion of residential, commercial, and institutional areas, causing changes in land use patterns.

Technological Advancements:

Impact on Land Use:

Adoption of advanced agricultural practices, including mechanization and use of technology.

Increased efficiency in agriculture, potentially leading to changes in the extent of agricultural land.


Increase in Forest Area:


Afforestation and reforestation initiatives to combat deforestation and promote environmental conservation.

Government policies and programs encouraging tree planting and sustainable forestry practices.

Impact on Land Use:

Positive impact on biodiversity, ecosystem services, and climate regulation.

Improved soil health, water retention, and reduced soil erosion.

Increase in Non-Agricultural Land:


Urbanization and expansion of infrastructure leading to the conversion of agricultural land into non-agricultural uses.

Industrialization and the establishment of commercial and residential zones.

Impact on Land Use:

Alters the landscape, reducing the availability of arable land.

Contributes to changes in land use patterns, affecting agricultural productivity.

Effects on Land Use:


Changes in climate patterns affecting the suitability of land for certain crops.

Intensification of agriculture, leading to changes in cropping patterns and land management practices.

Impact on Land Use:

Alters the distribution of crops and land use based on changing environmental conditions.

Requires adaptation strategies to address the evolving challenges in agriculture.

16. Describe solar energy and wind energy in India.


Describe any two mineral belts in India.

Ans : Solar Energy and Wind Energy in India:

Solar Energy:

India is endowed with abundant sunlight, and solar energy has become a significant renewable energy source. Here are key aspects of solar energy in India:

Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Technology:

India has witnessed a surge in solar PV installations for electricity generation.

Large-scale solar power plants, rooftop solar installations, and solar parks contribute to the solar energy landscape.

Government Initiatives:

The Government of India launched the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission (JNNSM) to promote solar energy adoption.

Various subsidies, incentives, and policies aim to boost solar capacity and reduce dependence on conventional energy sources.

Solar Potential:

India's geographical location provides high solar insolation, especially in regions like Rajasthan, Gujarat, and parts of South India.

Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) projects are also being explored to harness solar thermal energy.

Wind Energy:

Wind energy is another crucial component of India's renewable energy portfolio:

Wind Power Installations:

Wind energy accounts for a significant portion of India's renewable energy capacity.

States like Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Gujarat, and Karnataka have favorable wind conditions.

Wind Turbine Technology:

India utilizes both onshore and offshore wind farms, with advancements in wind turbine technology.

Increasing rotor diameters and hub heights contribute to enhanced energy capture.

Policy Support:

The government has implemented policies like the Accelerated Depreciation Benefit and Feed-in Tariffs to encourage private investments in wind energy.

Auctions and competitive bidding processes have become prevalent for allocating wind energy projects.

Integration Challenges:

Grid integration and variability remain challenges in the effective utilization of wind energy.

Advancements in energy storage technologies are being explored to address intermittency issues.


Raniganj Coal Belt:

Location: Situated in the Damodar River Valley in West Bengal and Jharkhand.

Minerals: Rich in coal deposits, particularly bituminous coal.

Significance: One of the oldest coalfields in India, playing a crucial role in the development of the coal industry.

Bailadila Iron Ore Belt:

Location: Located in the Dantewada district of Chhattisgarh.

Minerals: Abundant in high-grade iron ore deposits.

Significance: Major source of iron ore for the steel industry; Bailadila mines are known for their high iron content.

Essay Type Questions-

17. Write the names of four crops of plantation agriculture and describe three characteristics of this agriculture.


What is intensive Subsistence Agriculture? Write three characteristics of intensive subsitence agriculture dominated by wet paddy cultivation.

Ans : Four Crops of Plantation Agriculture:


Regions: Assam, Darjeeling (India), Sri Lanka, Kenya.

Characteristics: Requires specific temperature and altitude conditions, hand-plucked.


Regions: Brazil, Colombia, Ethiopia, Vietnam, India.

Characteristics: Grown in tropical regions, altitude-dependent, Arabica and Robusta varieties.


Regions: Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, India.

Characteristics: Requires warm temperatures and high rainfall, latex extraction.


Regions: India, Philippines, Ecuador, Costa Rica.

Characteristics: Grown in tropical climates, sensitive to wind and frost, harvested year-round.

Characteristics of Plantation Agriculture:

Large Land Holdings:

Plantation agriculture involves extensive land areas under single-crop cultivation.

Large estates or plantations are owned by corporations or wealthy individuals.

Specialized Crops:

The focus is on growing specific cash crops suited to the local climate and soil conditions.

Crops often have high market demand and export potential.

Labor Intensity:

Plantation crops often require labor-intensive cultivation and harvesting.

Workers may be hired seasonally or work on a permanent basis, depending on the crop.


Characteristics of Intensive Subsistence Agriculture:

Small Land Holdings:

Farms are typically small in size, and land is subdivided among family members.

Intensive use of available land is crucial for maximizing production.

High Labor Input:

Intensive subsistence agriculture relies heavily on manual labor for various tasks, including planting, weeding, and harvesting.

Family members are actively involved in farming activities.

Multiple Cropping and Wet Paddy Cultivation:

Multiple cropping is common, with farmers growing two or more crops in the same field in a single year.

Dominated by wet paddy cultivation in regions with ample water supply.

Dependency on Monsoons:

Agriculture is often dependent on monsoons for water supply, especially in regions practicing wet paddy cultivation.

Adequate water management techniques, such as paddy field irrigation, are essential.

Diversity of Crops:

Apart from paddy, farmers may cultivate a variety of crops, including wheat, pulses, and vegetables.

Crop rotation and diversification help maintain soil fertility and reduce risks.

18. What do understand by planning? Give three suggestions for the development of Hill area.


What is sustainable development? Give three suggestions to promote sustainable development.

Ans : Understanding Planning:

Planning refers to the systematic process of setting goals, identifying resources, and organizing activities to achieve desired objectives. In the context of hill areas, planning plays a crucial role in addressing unique challenges and ensuring sustainable development.

Suggestions for the Development of Hill Areas:

Eco-friendly Tourism:

Promote eco-friendly and sustainable tourism practices to harness the economic potential of hill areas without compromising the environment.

Develop and market trekking trails, adventure tourism, and cultural experiences to attract responsible tourists.

Natural Resource Management:

Implement effective watershed management and afforestation programs to conserve soil, water, and biodiversity.

Encourage community participation in sustainable harvesting practices, promoting agroforestry and organic farming.

Infrastructure Development:

Invest in resilient infrastructure projects to enhance connectivity, transportation, and communication in hilly terrains.

Construct and maintain well-engineered roads, bridges, and communication networks to facilitate the movement of people and goods.


Understanding Sustainable Development:

Sustainable development is an approach that seeks to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It involves balancing economic, social, and environmental considerations to ensure long-term well-being.

Suggestions to Promote Sustainable Development:

Renewable Energy Adoption:

Encourage the use of renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and hydropower to reduce dependence on non-renewable resources.

Implement policies and incentives for the installation of off-grid and decentralized renewable energy systems.

Community-Based Conservation:

Empower local communities in natural resource conservation and management.

Implement community-based conservation initiatives, involving indigenous knowledge and practices, to preserve biodiversity and ecosystems.

Green Urban Planning:

Adopt green and sustainable urban planning practices to minimize environmental impact.

Develop green spaces, promote waste recycling, and implement energy-efficient measures in urban areas to create eco-friendly and livable communities.

19. Mark the following sea ports on the given outline map of the world-

a. Mumbai

b. New York

c. Perth

d. Cape Town

Ans : 

20. Mark the following oil refineries on the given outline map of India.

a. Koyali

b. Bina

c. Mangaluru

d. Chennai

Ans : 


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