Project #2: Building Logic into Your Macros


 Building logic into your macros can greatly enhance their functionality and versatility. Here's an example project where we'll create a macro that calculates the total cost of items based on their prices and quantities, with the option to apply a discount if the total cost exceeds a certain threshold.

Let's break it down into steps:

Prompt User for Input: Use InputBoxes to prompt the user to enter the price and quantity of each item, as well as the discount threshold.

Calculate Total Cost: Calculate the total cost of the items based on the entered prices and quantities.

Apply Discount: If the total cost exceeds the discount threshold, apply a discount.

Display Result: Display the total cost to the user.

Here's the VBA code for this project:

Sub CalculateTotalCostWithDiscount() 
Dim price As Double 
Dim quantity As Integer 
Dim discountThreshold As Double 
Dim totalCost As Double 
' Prompt user for input: price, quantity, and discount threshold 
price = InputBox("Enter the price of the item:", "Item Price") 
quantity = InputBox("Enter the quantity of the item:", "Item Quantity") 
discountThreshold = InputBox("Enter the discount threshold:", "Discount Threshold") 
' Calculate total cost totalCost = price * quantity 
' Check if total cost exceeds discount threshold 
If totalCost > discountThreshold Then 
' Apply discount (let's say 10%) 
totalCost = totalCost * 0.9 ' Applying 10% discount 
End If 
' Display result 
MsgBox "Total cost: $" & Format(totalCost, "0.00") 
End Sub

To use this macro:

Press Alt + F11 to open the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) editor.

Insert a new module from Insert > Module.

Copy and paste the code into the module window.

Close the VBA editor.

You can now run the macro by pressing Alt + F8, selecting CalculateTotalCostWithDiscount, and clicking Run.

This macro prompts the user to enter the price, quantity, and discount threshold. It calculates the total cost and applies a discount if the total cost exceeds the discount threshold. Finally, it displays the total cost to the user in a message box. You can customize the discount rate or add more complex logic based on your requirements.

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