Continue Excel VBA InputBox


Sure, let's continue with an example of how you can use an InputBox in Excel VBA. Let's say you want to prompt the user to enter their name and then display a message with their name. Here's how you can do it:

Sub GetNameAndDisplayMessage() 
 Dim userName As String 
' Prompt the user to enter their name 
userName = InputBox("Please enter your name:", "Name Input") 
' Check if the user entered a name 
If userName <> "" Then 
' Display a message with the user's name 
MsgBox "Hello, " & userName & "!" 
' If the user didn't enter a name, display an error message 
MsgBox "You didn't enter a name." 
End If 
End Sub

In this example, when you run the macro GetNameAndDisplayMessage(), it will prompt the user with an InputBox to enter their name. If the user enters a name and clicks "OK", it will display a message box saying "Hello, [user's name]!". If the user clicks "Cancel" or leaves the input box empty and clicks "OK", it will display a message box saying "You didn't enter a name."

You can add this code to a module in your Excel workbook and then run the macro from the Developer tab or assign it to a button or shortcut key.

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